Friday, July 26, 2013

Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead

Choke that chicken!
Year: 2006 (USA)
Genre: Horror Comedy/Musical Comedy
Directed: Lloyd Kaufman
Stars: Jason Yachanin, Kate Graham, Allyson Sereboff, Robin L. Watkins, Joshua Olatunde, Caleb Emerson, Rose Ghavami, Khalid Rivera
Production: Troma Entertainment

From the studio that brought you Tromeo and Juliet, The Toxic Avenger (1984), and Class of Nuke'Em High (1986) comes Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead (2006), their latest campy gross-out-fest that will send you on one crazy ride. Allow me to describe the first five minutes:

Couple Arbie (Jason Yachanin) and Wendy (Kate Graham) enjoy their time together getting jiggy with it at the local Tromahawk Indian Burial Ground, and are enjoying a final tryst before Wendy goes off to college. They start to make passionate love on the grounds when suddenly a gaggle of zombie hands reach out of the ground and start to massage their bodies. They don't notice, even when one of their hands pokes into Arbie's rectum and snaps a finger off. They are eventually scared away by a man masturbating in the bushes who picks up his underwear and continues choking the chicken. A zombie arm reaches up from the depths, penetrates his anus, reaches up out of his mouth, grabs the underwear and pulls it all down. After that things get even more absurd and gross.
Shall we continue?
Wendy promises to stay true to the unambitious Arbie but as the very next cut shows, a few semesters in college has turned her into a protesting hippie liberal lesbian who marches against the opening of a fried chicken chain built over the same Indian burial ground. Out of spite, Arbie lands a job at the Chicken Bunker where strange things are occurring. Soon the whole restaurant is overrun by chicken zombies out for revenge. Oh and did I mention it's also a musical?
Kinda like Black Swan
In the tradition of Roger Corman, Lloyd Kaufman's modern musical-horror-comedy is a bare-knuckle exploitation schlock-fest. With buckets of blood and low-tech special effects this film possesses a low budget spirit that only Kaufman can muster. The dialogue in this movie is very nail-on-the-head type stuff and the satire is far from subtle. With character names like Arbie, Wendy, Denny, Carl Jr. and Paco Bell, it's obvious what this movie is poking fun at.
2010 to Present

Fast food however isn't the only sacred cow getting skewered in this musical as each character also fulfills a cliche (socially or cinematically) as to poke fun at nearly everything under the sun. Rose Ghavami, who is covered in a burqa for most of the film, exaggerates her eye movements to the point of eye-popping silliness as an insulting Muslim stereotype. Caleb Emerson's Carl Jr. keeps things interesting when he's on screen as an unsanitary hillbilly and Robin Watkins effectively hams it up as Chicken Bunker's evil capital-minded proprietor General Lee Roy.

Second best movie about explosive diarrhea
For those of us with a sick sense of humor this movie is absolutely hilarious for its "so-bad-it's-good" quality. I love this film. It makes no pretensions on what it sets out to do and it really wears its heart in its sleeve. That being said, I cannot recommend this movie to ANYONE! Not a soul. It's one of those movies I believe is geared towards me and me alone. Anyone interested in the single best movie involving explosive diarrhea won't be disappointed.If not, go watch The Proposal (2009) or something.

Final Grade: A

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