Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Twofold Path to Nipple Chaffing

Six comedians showed up to the mic on Sunday. It was so poorly attended that my co-host didn't even show citing a migraine as the culprit. I've completely lost the verve to push people to do what's necessary, so I just let it happen without much fanfare. At this point I feel a bit like the hen and the wheat - I ask for help when I must but when the wheat grows, I'll be the lone beneficiary of my labor.

In a way it feels kind of nice to know that most people's eyes are too big for their stomachs. Ambition is overrated - vision without discipline is just a recipe for false starts. Slow, steady, meticulous growth combined with grit and love is what make a vision reality. Another mic host told me something to that effect. He told me it took months before his was well attended. It took a lot of groundwork and consistency to get it to where it is today. I will follow suit and keep looking for ways of improving what I'm doing.

In the mean time, I've been running consistently again. 8 miles on Sunday, 6 miles on Tuesday then inching my way to that 10 and 11 mile marker by the weekend. I've caught myself keeping up which fills me with new-found confidence. I'm jogging slowly but steadily almost the entire time now which feels like a superpower!

The reasons I stop however are twofold: firstly, I get bored. You can only look at a far distant building for too long before your mind begins to wonder and I have to stop and check my phone for the hundredth time. Either that or I find myself stopping to look at something interesting such as a tree that's been growing around a fence or an odd looking lamppost. The second reason is a bit more serious - I find myself chaffing a lot; especially around the nipple area. To remedy this, I've been taking my shirt off somewhere around the three mile mark which helps. I'm still a little self-conscious about my body though, so sometimes I just keep the shirt on until I clomp through an empty street or something. Someone suggested band-aids to me but that just seems like a recipe for living the rest of my life as a Ken doll - sans nipples.

At this point I'm just ready to get this whole running thing over with. It's eating away too much of my time that I'd otherwise be spending on going to mics and looking for opportunities. Or heck, going to the movies again! I miss going to the movies! I haven't seen the new Quentin Tarantino movie nor Blinded by the Light, Midsommar, Rocketman, Toy Story 4! Toy Story 4 will be the first Pixar film I have not seen in theaters! That feels somehow wrong.

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